Wednesday, 4 June 2008

5th W

What have I been doing in the past few days ? I've been researching - the net, the colleges' websites, the various forums, and trying to shortlist the colleges where I plan to apply. Its not the easiest thing to do, but its definitely very interesting. Though I wonder how much influence a college's website's presentation and layout have on prospective applicants. I think that we all go to a new college's website, which we've never visited before, with a knowledge of its brand value mixed with some other perceptions - whether college A is good for marketing or B for finance etc., and then try and evaluate the whole experience of browsing that site (perhaps more than just the information presented by it) and then stack it in our minds viz-a-viz other colleges. So once the stack starts overflowing and we are not able to say NO to any particular college,the confusion begins.

I know, I know. Some of you, or rather, most of you out there might be better informed. I can honestly say that I am not, when it comes to deciding my list of schools. And I know this is a dangerous way of going at it, the matching of your vision or goals with the college, instead of the other way round. This raises questions like whether these are stretch colleges, dream ones, realistic, or I-can-do-better-than-this types.

We all know that its the 3 Ws which will enlighten us. Not the world wide web(but of course, most of our theoretical learning comes from the net, right ?), but the 3 big questions -
Why MBA ?
Why you ?
Why us ?
And if I can add a 4th one,
Why now ?

Do you have the answers ? More importantly, do you have the right answers ?
I think I do. The answers, and maybe not the right ones. I also think that I'm looking for some answers during the MBA - how bad is that ?
I've begun the process, and will end it for sure. Positively.
If you have any comments, suggestions, inputs, feel free to post them. Unless you have questions, like me :-)

To end with the 5th W - WTF is wrong with me ?? WTF am I doing all this ??

Need some serious answers. More on it later.


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